You are here: 11. Micronet 2.8 Mobile Applications > 11.7. FIELD SERVICE Menu > 11.7.1. Field Service - Jobs > Job Pre-Checks

Job Pre-Checks

Job pre-checks are any questions your company requires you to answer before starting a job that relate to either a customer or an item of plant. For example, you might need to acknowledge that you have checked in at a customer site office, or are licensed to use a particular item of plant. The pre-checks displayed will depend on the customer or the plant items used on the job.

To complete the job pre-checks:

  1. Complete the job travel and confirm that you have arrived on-site.

Refer to "Job Travel".

Micronet displays the first job Pre-check screen.

  1. Answer the pre-check question as required, then select the Next button.

Some pre-checks require you to select an answer (e.g. Yes or No); some require you to enter information using the screen keyboard; others require you to select a time or date.


  1. You can select shaded buttons to display more information.

For example, if you select the customer name in the first screen above, Micronet displays the Customer Details screen.

  1. You can select the up and down arrows at the right of a Question field to display the entire question.
  1. In a text Answer field, you use the screen keyboard to enter your answer.

Refer to "Using the Screen Keyboard".

  1. In a numeric Answer field, you can either:
  1. In a date Answer field, you can enter or change the date using the calendar control.

Refer to "Using the Calendar Control".

  1. In a time Answer field, you can enter or change the time using the clock control.

Refer to "Using the Clock Control".

  1. Continue to answer each pre-check question displayed and select Next.

When you have answered all the applicable job pre-checks, Micronet synchronises the database, locks the record to prevent it being edited in MJC and changes the job status to "In Progress on PDA". It then displays the Job Notes screen. For more information, refer to "Job Notes".